June 25, 2012

Centro del Peru - Cordillera Blanca

From Cuzco, we reach Huarraz and the Cordillera Blanca by bus, don't having enough time to finish all the trip by bike. A stop, in the peruvian capital enable to show us the moderne face of Peru in Mirasflores, and the impact of Spanish colonization in Central Lima. Arrived in Huarraz, we look for an ascent possible without guid. The Vallaunaraju Summit seams to be the best plan for us.

Vallunaraju, 5686 m

Base camp at 4935m

Arrived to the summit at 6am, just on time for the sun rise

Panorama of the Cordillera Blanca

At the summit, two allmend with a guid offer us a Pisco... Salud!

During the descent, curiosities of the glacier appear (cracks, stalactits,...)

roped party on the glacier

going down, lights of the sun glistened
on ascent tracks

altitud lake, going out of the glacier